--> PAC-Advanced Sensors-EX-500P


The EX-500P is an in-line probe oil in water analyzer that uses Deep UV Fluorescence to provide continuous accurate measurements of oil concentration.
Then analyzer detects a wide ranges of oil / oil components to include Condensates, fuel oils, lubricating oils, gear oils, BTEX and crude oils. Reliable real-time data enables operators to take accurate discharge measurements and to improve efficiency of separation processes, enabling cost reductions.



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  • Patented ultrasonic cleaning eliminates fouling issues and associated maintenance
  • Deep UV fluorescence for lighter hydrocarbon measurement
  • Optional hot insertion/ extraction.
  • No degradation of signal or recalibration required
  • Configurable measurement ranges(0-10 ppm, 0-100 ppm [...] up to 0-100,000 ppm)
  • Measurement repeatability ±1% of full scale
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